Sunday, May 10, 2009 at 1:43 AM |
Sometime english need to be used,
because I got other races friends & banana friends.
Then it is fairer to them.

Study week, what was I doing??
Just study???
It’s impossible.
Sure will go hang out with friends,
play basketball,
& ect.
1 special thing I did was help friends
colour a booklet for a camp.
It is a camp that gathers all U students.
I wanted to support my friends who held this camp,
but I will have a industries training on that period,
so can’t helped them.
At least I did something for this camp,
so I can be forgive?

Study is so boring.
When boring,
I used the time to do it.
I quite satisfy with it.
2 samples will be choosing 1.

I more like the lower artwork
since it is more colorful.
I like colorful thing,
but too colorful will make me feel disgusting.

I put more effort on the upper artwork
because shading is something new to me
& I din make it very well,
it just a very simple shading.
I had learned a lot from helping friends.
So, why don’t we help friends while we can learning.

P/S: Want to say sorry to the designer of the upper artwork.
Because I change the idea without permission.
Actually it was not purposely.
After I finish coloring,
then I realize I had wrong coloring.
Actually 1 hand is human hand
& another is alien hand.
Really sorry ya.
Posted by ~@#RoXaS#@~ Labels:


Anonymous said...

I think if the 1st booklet cover's background add some little star like de 2nd 1....i think it will b more attractive.....tq

May 12, 2009 at 10:56 AM  
Anonymous said...

which 1 u all like it much???

May 12, 2009 at 10:56 AM