Monday, July 7, 2008 at 12:03 AM |

Father Day

My family celebrate father day earlier because on the father day there will be many people. My father doesn’t like to wait. We just go to a small restaurant having a dinner. Even it is simple but it is more than enough because usually we won’t have this kind of chance. My sis & bro may be go for tuition, my mom had to take care of the stall, I will be in U. I had meet a cute baby.
Sis: “Is it your friend?”
I: “Not la! My friend still doesn’t have baby kok la.”
Sis: “Then why u play with the baby?”
I: “Erm… Just feel the baby cute lo. Haha…”
The camp I join had changed me. If it was last time me, even I like the baby I won’t just play with him/her. I got use what I learn from the camp in usual day. I didn’t waste what the camp teach me. It feel so good. I had become more courage to interact with someone I do not know. I got take the photo of him.

Is he very cute le??

Sunday is father day we got go celebrate also but this time is my mom celebrate father with her dad, that is my grandpa. Erm… this celebration not seem to be a celebration for father day, it is more like to be a gathering of relatives. But got this kind of gathering is quite good, can improve relationship of relative ma. Hehe… I already long time didn’t meet up with my relative lo because I was in U. My uncle had a new baby. Actually some month already, just I didn’t c her nia. She is very cute also.

Wahsai!! Behtong nia. Wear black spec. Yeng!!!

I really like baby, but if ask me have my own baby, it is not fun liao lo. Need to take care many things. Play with other people’s baby is more fun. Hehe…

Posted by ~@#RoXaS#@~ Labels: