Sunday, May 10, 2009 at 2:12 AM |
The day that I am exciting wait for had come.
That is LI.
What kind of my supervisor is??
Is he/she (h/s) very fierce??
Is h/s will teach me thing??
Is h/s will ignore me
& left me alone in office with nothing do
or online whole working day??
Many question run around my head.
It makes me more excited.
Hope it will come as soon as possible.

Before going for LI,
I had made a phone call to get some info.
What kind of wearing need,
how many days per week of work,
what department,
& what should bring on 1st day.
Something surprise me & hebby is
we need to work 6 days per week
& Saturday need to work whole day.
So sienz…..
Just left 1 day for me to relax.
Will has little time to meet up with friends
& do my own thing.

Another surprise on 1st day LI is
it was a joke
& we no need to wear formal
but semiformal.
It is quite nice for us.
Because it is quite weird wearing formal
walk around factory.
Like an alien.

My supervisor--- Mr. Yeoh
His face is so black,
not the face color
but is the expression of his face.
I got see a photo on office table.
He smile so friendly,
I hope can have a chance
to see the friendly face.
But understood.
He is around by many job.
But sorry.
Can’t help anything.
I am still newbie.

He had sent his underling to me.
His name is Un.
He is graduate from USM
& same course with me.
Very happy.
We are same frequency.
Easier to communicate.
He is very kind.
He teach me a lot thing
even it just the 1st day.
He bring me around the factory
& explain the thing 1 by 1 to me.
He is patiently teaching me
even I am a “question” people.
I always ask question.
For a normal people,
he should already die because of lot question.

He also share a lot experience with me,
I am so lucky.
May be I always done something good before.
Posted by ~@#RoXaS#@~ Labels: