Friday, March 6, 2009 at 4:58 PM |
Today is the date of “lucky draw”.
What is the “lucky draw” about??
It is an important “lucky draw” to all of us.
Because it will determine your final year project.
We usually call it FYP.
Since my course is 3 major
even we take all of it.
They are bioresource (wood),
& coating.
Before “lucky draw” I didn’t think much on it,
just I won’t get wood,
because it is boring,
and I not really interest in it.
Besides that which lecturer,
which field I don’t care about it.
Didn’t pray much too.
I know everything has been determined by God.
I have no interest to interrupt it.
Just follow what had been planned by God
even I trust in myself more.

No nervous,
no worry,
no afraid,
no scare.
Everything just too normal.
It is the climax time.
"Lucky Draw!!"

I got number 8,
it was Dr Baharin
who involve in coating.
Actually I was very happy,
even my face didn’t show it.
God love me so much.
I love you,God.

The happiness just stays for a moment.
I knew that Jeannie hope to get the draw I got.
But I am selfish,
I didn’t want to change with her
because I know that Dr Baharin is a good lecturer.

There were 4 round of “lucky draw”
because each lecturer will incharge 4 students.

Everyone start to discuss about their “lucky draw”.
“Who is your lecturer??”
“Dr XXX. I don’t like him.”
“Not bad ma.”
“Then you change with me la.”

Suddenly Vandy said,
After I listened this sentence,
I feel guilty.
That’s right,
what all we said it just 风凉话.
Human beings are selfish.
Is there anyone can don’t care about
their benefit just because you are his friend??
I don’t think anyone in my class can do it.
I am one of them.

Final result:
Jeannie found someone change with her
but it was not Dr Baharin,
was another lecturer.
I think it was better.
But so sad,
I couldn’t same lecturer with her.
I don’t what I can say
but "Sorry!!!!!"
Posted by ~@#RoXaS#@~ Labels: