Tuesday, March 10, 2009 at 8:17 PM |
Last time,
I was not lucky in lucky draw,
No matter
how many coupon of lucky draw in my hand,
it will be just few piece of rubbish.

These few years,
my lucky draw luck has increased,
Don’t know.
Is it a good thing to me??
In my opinion,
after something good happened,
sure will something bad will happen on me.
Rule of YING YANG.

There was a dinner at DUD.
It was organized by NRIC & Convex.
I am NRIC’s committee &
Convex ‘s helper.
So…..ow just left 1.

The theme of dinner was “Tradisional”.
I need to wear tradisional cloth.
That was a problem for me to go that dinner.
But I am lucky because
I have Malay course mate.
Thanks Padil asked baju melayu for me.
Thanks Azizi lend me your cloth.
Thank you very much.
Very appreciate it.

That day should be my 1st dinner in DUD.
Even though I always pass through DUD,
I didn’t go inside.
The food??
Not bad.
Got ais kacang,
mee udang,
lamb chop,
chay keow tiao,
fruits &

Not yet took photo,
everyone already start ate.

I was totally full.
Very happy could have a free dinner.

If a dinner just eating,
then sure will be very boring.
There got some small game.
But our table’s people not really like to join it.
I had joined it since Farah asked.
The rule of the game is
which team can make another team laugh,
that team will be the winner.
I realized that want to make someone laugh
is not an easy job.
But I was going to laugh
even other team was not telling any jokes.
May be environment.
Environment full of happiness.
Result is all winners.
Everyone got a RM10 iTalk card.

Introduced you a person.
Everyone will know him.
He is KFC’s Uncle.

Climax now.
“Lucky Draw”.
My table had 6 persons.
All Chinese.
My table quite lucky.
4 out of 6 persons got lucky draw.
That day we always joked that
2 bowls of fish are the lucky draw prizes
which actually just decoration for the table.
Before last 3 prizes,
our table already 3 person got prizes.
Lucky draws were according to
some famous person’s name.
Got Jackie Chan,
Leonardo Dicaprio,
Hang Tuah,
Bush & ect.

When 2nd prize was announced,
there were 2 lucky persons.
Luckily organizer got prepare 1 extra prize.
May be some technical problem.
When 1st prize was announced,
They were very nervous,
same situation happened,
how to settle??
Share the 1st prize??
Who was that luckiest person in this dinner??

Sudden a scream heard from my friends,
“Seng Chiew,Picasso ar.”
Wennie pass over the ticket to me.
My brain blanked for a moment.
After that,
My brain was filled in with the gas of happiness.
I could my heart laughed too.
It was a cannon photo printer.
I couldn’t believe that I got the 1st prize.
I never get this kind of giving before.

End of dinner
sure is taking photo section.
But that day I took few photos,
because everyone not seem like took photo a lot.
Not really satisfied.
The person helped to take photo hand shake,
so the photo taken not really good.
But still ok.
Could took photo together is a happy thing to me.

All NRIC chinese’s member.
We were advertised for cannon printer.
HAHA….. =P

All NRIC’ member who attended the dinner.
Product of hand ShAkE……

Leng Zai(Me) & Leng Lui(Dai Wei)

Yeng Zai(Me) & Cute Girl(Tze Yin)
But already available,
for those single guys,
Sorry ya.

After going back to hostel,
suddenly got mood to take my own photo,
then has taken some photo.
This is the photo I like it most.
Ya.I am SS kaki.
Haha…. =P
Posted by ~@#RoXaS#@~ Labels:


lynn said...

hai...so i see u went to the dinner..looked like fun..and i see that u're very lucky with tat lucky draw huh...

April 15, 2009 at 2:08 AM