これはわたしのマレシアのたべもの。(This is my favourite Malaysia Food.)
どーなつです。(Call donut.)
どーなつにさとうがついてます。(Sugar is attach on the donut.)
あまくて、おいしいですよ(It is sweet, it is delicious.)
やすいでね。(It is cheap.)
たたのごじゅうせん。(Only 50sen.)
デザートです。(It is dessert.)
たいていあさごはんいたべます。(Usually eat during breakfast.)
Posted by ~@#RoXaS#@~ Labels:


xiao feng said...

I want 2 comment in japanese but the word i noe is limitted...paise!!haha...
i see ur blog,feel tat it is very unique....i like it.about the blog,i think the things about japanese was limitted...only 1...mayb u can ad more...

August 8, 2008 at 12:45 PM